Sunday, July 04, 2010

A Prayer For Healing

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,

You care for us and provide us with all that we need.

You shower us with your love and send people into our lives to help care for us, especially in times of sickness or pain.

I pray for healing for myself and for all who suffer because of illness or advanced age.

I pray especially for (mention your loved ones by name).

In the midst of our pain and weakness, strengthen our faith that we might be filled with hope in you.

In the midst of our frustration and discouragement, give us patience that we might accept our own limitations.

In the midst of our loneliness and fears, help us know we are not alone, that you walk with us each moment of our lives.

Be with us, Lord, in our time of need.

Heal us in body, soul and spirit that we may rejoice in your grace and blessings in this world and come to enjoy the fullness of your presence in the life to come.

We make this prayer in your name, for you are the Risen Lord.


-- Source: Sacred Heart League