Saturday, August 14, 2010

Prayer to St. Peregrine

St. Peregrine

St. Peregrine,

You answered your calling with a ready spirit, and gave up the comforts of a life of ease to dedicate yourself to Jesus and His Holy Mother.

You labored for the salvation of souls. In union with Jesus, you endured painful sufferings with such patience that you were healed of an incurable cancer in your leg by a touch of His divine hand.

Help me to answer every call of God and to fulfill His will in all the events of life. Place in my heart a consuming desire for the salvation of all.

Deliver me from the infirmities that afflict my body, and help me to willingly accept the sufferings that are sent to me so that, imitating our crucified Savior and his sorrowful Mother, I may one day be united with them in heave.


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