Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Nuns and Geese

Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi in St. Francis, Wis. found a peaceful solution to keep the geese off the grounds of the order's national motherhouse.

The Associated Press reports:

Following in the tradition of their namesake's kindness to animals, the Sisters of St. Francis of Assisi are using two coyotes mounted by a taxidermist to keep geese off the grounds of the order's national motherhouse.

Sister Rose Sevenich, whose office overlooks the front walks on the grounds, said feces from the birds had caused a problem.

"It's a beautiful, parklike atmosphere," she said. "If they would just stay on the grass, it would be nice. But you're sloshing through this stuff as you're coming to the doors."

Groundskeepers put the mounted coyotes out each morning and take them in each afternoon, placing them in different locations each time to keep the geese guessing about whether they are real, said John Schmitt, the administrator of the complex.


That's a great solution :-)

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