Saturday, March 28, 2009

Genuine Love

I desire to love you, O my God, with a love that is patient, with a love that abandons itself wholly to you, with a love that acts, and most important of all, with a love that perseveres.

Just as one who loves a creature thinks of it often, so let the lover of God have him often in his thoughts.

The mirror into which we must look in order to attain divine love is Jesus Christ.

If the actions of our neighbors had a hundred sides, we ought to look at them on the best side.

When an action is blameworthy, we should strive to see the good intentions back of it.

Let us do everything for love and, remembering that love longs for love alone, nothing can appear hard to us.

-- St. Theresa Margaret

Source: Mystics & Miracles

Mystics & Miracles

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Benedict XVI: Way of the Cross

When I ordered the Pope's book from Amazon, I wasn't sure that I would like his writing style.

The book is beautifully written. It was very hard for me to put it aside once I started reading. Now, I'm actually ready to read it again. Reading the book was my best introduction to the writings of Pope Benedict XVI. It's also one of the best ways to reflect on Jesus' suffering during the Lent season.

The Pope's words, combined with the artwork by Dutch Symbolist painter Jan Toorop, makes the book an excellent campanion for people who want to deeply meditate and pray during Lent.

Benedict XVI:
Way of the Cross